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Steps to Mending a Broken Heart

Everyone experiences a broken heart at some point. It’s a natural part of life to feel both pain and pleasure—embracing this reality allows you to fully appreciate the great moments life has to offer. Here are our top ten tips for mending a broken heart:

  1. Reach Out to Friends
    Don’t isolate yourself after a breakup. True friends will be there for you, even if you’ve lost touch during your relationship. Gather your favourite photos, grab some tissues, and pour your heart out to them.
  2. Allow Yourself to Grieve
    Losing someone you care about triggers a grieving process. Give yourself the time and space to work through your emotions. Remember, time heals, and there are happier times ahead. Many people have loved, lost, and found joy again.
  3. Express Your Emotions
    Bottling up your feelings can be harmful. Find an outlet for them. Talk to someone you trust, or consider writing in a journal to record your thoughts. Art therapy—such as drawing, painting, or expressing yourself through music—can also be therapeutic.
  4. Avoid Numbing the Pain with Alcohol or Drugs
    Turning to alcohol or drugs to ease emotional pain will only prolong the healing process. These substances can worsen depression and make you feel worse in the long run.
  5. Indulge in Self-Care
    Treat yourself to things that make you feel good, whether it’s a long soak in the bath, a massage, a getaway with friends, or a new hairstyle. Just be mindful of your finances—breakups can already be financially challenging, so avoid racking up debt.
  6. Stay Focused on Your Education or Career
    Concentrating on your education or career can help you stay positive and focused on the future. Your qualifications and career achievements will outlast any relationship and provide stability moving forward.
  7. Accept That It’s Over and Move On
    Holding onto hope that your ex will come back can prevent you from moving forward. If reconciliation is meant to happen, it will. In the meantime, be honest with yourself and start building a future that doesn’t rely on them.
  8. Avoid Rebound Relationships
    Jumping into a new relationship or a series of casual encounters can lead to more hurt. Make sure you’re truly over your ex before starting something new, so you can give your all to a relationship and receive the respect you deserve.
  9. Embrace Being Single
    You don’t need a relationship to feel complete. You are a whole person on your own, and single life has its own set of advantages. Embrace this time to explore who you are and what you want.
  10. Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals
    Setting goals helps you look toward the future. Pursue something you’ve always wanted to do or try something new, like taking up a hobby or enrolling in an adult education course. Focus on creating a life filled with meaning and purpose beyond your past relationship.