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Where Will I Live?

One of the biggest questions when your parents separate is where you’ll live. It’s completely normal to feel worried or uncertain about the future. While it might feel like the biggest deal, the reality is that most children stay living in their family home. However, if you do have to move, you’ll be surprised how quickly you adjust to your new surroundings.

It’s important to remember that your parents will need to work out the best living arrangements for you. They’ll consider things like your age, your needs, and how close you live to school. You have the right to share your thoughts and feelings about where you’d like to live. It might be that you have a strong preference to stay in your current home, or perhaps you’d like to spend more time with one parent.

Having two homes can actually have some advantages. You’ll get to experience different environments and spend quality time with both parents. It might mean having two bedrooms, two sets of clothes, and two places to relax.

Remember, change can be tough, but you’re stronger than you think. With time and support, you’ll adapt to your new situation.

child's home