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Personal Safety

Living on your own, venturing out, and dating again after a long time can feel overwhelming. While the likelihood of encountering danger from a stranger is low, it’s still essential to take sensible precautions to ensure your safety.

“There were times when I was out in the city and forgot I was alone after spending an evening in a lively bar. I found myself in the early hours, not entirely sure how I’d get home or where exactly I was.”

“A man came to my door offering to replace roof tiles. Without thinking, I mentioned I was the homeowner and single. He then entered my backyard uninvited and aggressively tried to get me to pay a deposit for work I hadn’t requested. I eventually had to threaten to call the police before he left.”

At Home

Secure Your Home: Install a door chain, video doorbell, and motion-sensor outdoor lighting. Use these tools to identify visitors before opening the door.

Verify Identity: Always ask for ID from anyone claiming to represent a company, and verify their identity by contacting the company directly if you’re unsure. If they seem suspicious, contact your local consumer protection agency or the police.

Avoid Doorstep Sales: Politely but firmly decline any unsolicited sales or survey offers and close the door.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight: Ensure expensive items aren’t visible from windows. Use blinds or curtains, and make sure your home is secure. Your insurance provider and local police can provide tips on enhancing home security.

Handle Unwanted Calls: Obscene or harassing phone calls are illegal. Report them to the police immediately.

Appear Occupied When Away: Use smart home devices to control lights and other electronics remotely, giving the impression that someone is home. Inform a trusted neighbour if you’re going away, but avoid posting travel plans on social media.

Join Community Networks: Consider joining a local neighbourhood watch group, which can also lower your home insurance costs.

Out and About

Plan Your Outing: Know how you’ll get to and from your destination, and always have a backup plan.

Carry Essentials: Keep some cash and a charged mobile phone for emergencies. Separate your cards and cash across different pockets or bags.

Share Your Plans: Let a trusted person know where you’re going and when you expect to return, or use a location-sharing app.

Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you’re out alone, limit alcohol consumption to stay in control.

De-Escalate Situations: Avoid confrontation by staying calm and non-confrontational. Trust your instincts—if something feels off, remove yourself from the situation.


Walk with Confidence: Project confidence and stay aware of your surroundings.

Dress for Safety: Wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing. Stick to well-lit, populated areas and avoid shortcuts, especially at night.

Stay Visible: Walk facing oncoming traffic to ensure drivers can see you.

React Quickly: If you sense danger, move quickly toward a safe, populated area. Don’t hesitate to shout for help—yelling “fire” can often attract more attention.

Public Transport

Plan Ahead: Wait at well-lit, busy bus stops or train stations, and be aware of your travel times.

Stay Safe on Board: On public transport, sit near others and avoid isolated areas, such as an empty upper deck on a bus.

Prepare for Emergencies: Keep emergency contact numbers and enough money for an unplanned taxi ride.

Arrange Pickup: If possible, arrange for someone to meet you at your stop or station. Alternatively, book a taxi for your journey home if you’re in an unfamiliar area.

Ride-Sharing & Taxis

Use Reputable Services: Only use ride-sharing apps or licensed taxi services. Avoid getting into unmarked or unrequested vehicles.

Book Safely: When booking a ride, confirm the driver’s name, vehicle details, and estimated arrival time. If using a public phone, keep personal details private.

Share Rides: When possible, travel with a friend and always sit in the back seat. Have your house keys and payment ready before you arrive home.

Travel and Holidays

Book Smart: Use trusted sources for travel bookings, and seek recommendations from friends or family.

Secure Your Belongings: Keep your passport, money, and other valuables in separate, secure locations when travelling.

Stay Informed: Before travelling, check the latest travel advisories and safety tips from your country’s foreign office.

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