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A-Z of Helplines and Resources

For urgent support, please call Samaritans’ free 24/7 helpline on 116 123

If you are in immediate danger or think that someone else is, don’t hesitate to call 999

If you are in a situation where speaking will put you in danger, you can use the Silent Solutions service by dialing 999 then 55 to be put through to the police. 

 If you are concerned about abuse, call the National Abuse helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 2000 247

Lifecoach Directory
Enabling individuals to find a life coach close to them and appropriate for their needs

Support Line
Has details of counsellors and support groups throughout the UK

Financial Support Line
For the victims of domestic abuse to help regain control of their finances

National Debtline
Independent advice charity for those struggling with debt

Step Change
Independent charity offering debt advice and planning 

Multilingual support including English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Tamil, Bengali

Help for men who are depressed or suicidal

LGBT+ support with domestic abuse

Jewish Women’s Aid
For Jewish women and girls aged 16+

Support for men facing domestic abuse

Muslim Women’s Network
Culturally sensitive support for domestic abuse victims

National Domestic Violence Helpline
24/7 support for women needing help with domestic violence

For men and women facing domestic abuse

Support Line
Supportline for the vulnerable and victims of abuse

Welsh Women’s Aid
Information and support for women living in Wales

Women’s Aid
Live chat and support for female victims of domestic abuse

Care for the Family
New parents, everyday parenting, additional needs, single parenting, step-families, adoption and fostering support

Family Lives
Previously known as Parentline, support with parenting

Families Need Fathers
Support for non residential parents struggling with contact issues

National Family Mediation
Helping families in conflict, especially through divorce and separation

For adults concerned about the wellbeing of a child

Youth Access
Provides young people with access to a counsellor nearest them (UK-wide)

LGBT Switchboard
Provides information, support and a referral service throughout the UK for the LGBTQ community

For people suffering from depression in the Republic of Ireland

Anxiety UK
Helping people with anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression

Mental health helpline for those in Wales

Free mental health support nationwide and in your local area

National Suicide Prevention Helpline
Lifeline for those grappling with suicidal thoughts

NHS Crisis Support
NHS helplines and signposting services

Mental health support for students

No Panic
Support for people with OCD and anxiety based conditions

Mental illness support with list of helplines throughout the UK

24/7 support line for anybody feeling suicidal or simply needing someone to talk to

Saneline offers helpline support in the evenings

Text support for those not wishing to talk

Support Line
Confidential counselling and a listening ear for those feeling isolated 


Alcoholics Anonymous 
Support for anybody with alcoholism and problem drinking including finding your local group

Helps young people whose lives are affected by someone who drinks

Substance misuse & drug addiction support for young people

Child Line
Helpline for children and teenagers who need help or someone to talk to

Hope Again
Care for young people suffering from bereavement

Free helpline and advice for anyone concerned about child abuse

For young people who are feeling suicidal

Youth Access
Provides young people with access to a counsellor nearest them (UK-wide)