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How Do I Manage School and Tell My Friends?

School can feel like a whole different world when your parents are going through a tough time. It might be tempting to bury your head in your books, but it’s important to remember that your friends can be a great source of support.

Talking to Your Friends It can be really helpful to talk to your friends about what’s going on. They might be going through something similar or be able to offer advice. Remember, it’s okay to not want to talk about it all the time, but having someone to share your feelings with can make a big difference.

Schoolwork and Exams It’s normal to find it harder to concentrate on schoolwork when you’re worried about things at home. Try to create a quiet study space and stick to a routine. If you’re struggling, talk to your teachers. They can offer extra support or help you catch up.

Joining Clubs or Groups Getting involved in activities you enjoy can be a great way to meet new people and take your mind off things. School clubs, sports teams, or community groups can be a good place to start.

Dealing with Rumors Sometimes people might talk about your family situation, and it can be hurtful. Remember, you don’t have to share everything with everyone. It’s okay to set boundaries and ignore rumors.

Remember: Your friends can be a great support system, but they can’t solve all your problems. If you’re finding it really tough to cope, it’s okay to talk to an adult, like a teacher, counselor, or relative.
