Christmas on a Budget

christmas on a budget

If you’re used to your partner handling the Christmas shopping and now find yourself needing to buy gifts for friends and family, don’t panic. Here are some tips to make shopping easier, along with gift ideas for children. General Gift Shopping Tips: Gift Ideas for Children and Teens: Budgeting and Final Thoughts: If you’re on […]

Coping without Children on Special Occasions

woman alone at Christmas without the kids

When you have children, special occasions often revolve around them. When those celebrations suddenly no longer involve them, they can become painful experiences, especially in the first year. To help you cope, consider the following tips: Double Up on Celebrations: If you have contact with your children or they usually live with you, consider celebrating […]

Christmas Alone

woman in hot tub alone

Whilst many people around you are excited at the prospect of Christmas it may be an experience that you would rather forget if you are recently separated or bereaved. Reminders in the shops, on the television, parties and the odd card addressed to the two of you may make forgetting difficult. So how do you […]

Special Occasions


Special occasions can be difficult to deal with following a relationship break-up or bereavement. They may bring back a host of memories, remind you of your loss and in some cases you may have to rethink the plans that you made as a couple. You may also have practical worries, for example knowing what gifts […]