The following links directory covers everything from legal assistance to domestic violence, religious and cultural links, help for families and fathers and more. If you would like to suggest a link, please contact us.
If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, get immediate help from The Samaritans on 116 123 or visit the website to chat online.
For situations of domestic abuse, call the Police on 999 or call the Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit the website for live chat.
BBC Good Food
Recipes for One
Council Tax Reduction
For single people living alone
Meet Up
The site and mobile app for local group meet ups in your local area
Advice on learning to be single and happy
Solo’s Holidays
Holidays for single people
Age Concern Bereavement Advice
Information and support services for the bereaved including advice on arranging a funeral, grieving, living alone and local support services (pdf download)
Compassionate Friends
Help and support for bereaved parents
Cruse Bereavement Care
Information and helpline for people who have suffered a bereavement
Hope Again
Care for young people suffering from bereavement
Funeral Payment
Information on Funeral Payment for those who need help with the cost of paying for a funeral
Government Advice: What to do when someone dies
Information on what to do when someone dies, including Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax
NHS advice on coping with bereavement
Mental health charity with support for bereavement
Road Peace
UK national charity dedicated to supporting bereaved and injured road crash victims
War Widows
The WWA exists to help war widows and their dependents in the UK
CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)
The service that supports and prepares reports for the court in cases involving children, including contact and residency
Helpline for children and teenagers who need help or someone to talk to
Child Maintenance Service
New rules now apply so there is a maximum that can be claimed from a non-resident’s income. This is 15% for one child, 20% for two and 25% for three or more children, website includes an online calculator and details of the new scheme
Child Support Action
National Association offering help and support for people whose lives are affected by the Child Support Agency
Contact a Family
Support for families with disabled children
Family Lives
Advice and support for parents including dealing with divorce and contact, and downloadable leaflets for children on the separation of their parents and stepfamilies
Family Rights Group
Advice and support for families whose children are involved with social services
Family Fund
Financial grants for families with disabled children
Organisation helping single parents
Support for parents of young children
Advice on keeping children and young people safe
Mothers Apart from their Children, support for mother’s who are separated from and may have little contact with their children
Support for Mums including online forum
National Association of Child Contact Centres
Offering a neutral place for the supervised contact of non-resident parents
Free helpline and advice for anyone concerned about child abuse
Separated Parenting Access and Resource
Promoting the equality of both parents
Shared Parenting Information Group
Promotes both parents retaining an important role in their child’s life following a separation or divorce, advice and information for parents and legal reform around the world
Single Parent Network
Single parent support and information
Working Families
Advice & Support for Working Families
British Association for Counselling and Pyschotherapy
Offers online search facility for a local therapist
Offering counselling to anyone going through the process of divorce or separation
British Association for Counselling and Pyschotherapy
Offers online search facility for a local therapist
Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland
Lifecoach Directory
Enabling individuals to find a life coach close to them and appropriate for their needs
Lighthouse Trust
Organisation with a Christian basis, offers counselling services to anyone irrespective of race, age or personal belief
Marriage Care
Christian organisation offering relationship counselling
Compact Law
Free legal information and leaflets online
Divorce Aid
Independent organisation of professionals offering advice on divorce
Online information on divorce focusing on solicitors, mediation and counselling
Divorce Recovery Workshops
A nationwide self-help group run by volunteers who have experienced a relationship break-up themselves
Legal Aid Calculator
Note that you do not have the right to legal aid for divorce but it is available for domestic abuse, forced marriage and child protection issues
On Divorce
Produced by solicitors and with the main focus on the legal aspect of divorce, contains case studies and extensive links to related sites
UK Court Service
Information and leaflets about the UK court system
UK Deed Poll
Information on changing your name by Deed Poll including rights following separation
The following organisations can offer help and advice to victims of domestic violence. You can also try your local police station and Citizen’s Advice Bureau for details of local organisations and refuges.
Campaign Against Domestic Violence (CADV)
Campaigning to increase awareness and reform the law and facilities for victims of domestic violence
Personal safety advice
Metropolitan Police
Statistics and information on police strategies to tackle domestic violence
How Domestic Violence affects children
Rape Crisis
Support for victims of sexual violence
Support for people suffering abuse or domestic violence
Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Personal safety advice organisation
Survivors UK
National helpline for men who have been the victims of domestic violence or sexual attack, Helpline (Tues & Thurs) Tel: 0845 122 1201
Women’s Aid
National Organisation aiming to protect women and children from domestic violence
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Support and information for people in debt
Government Debt Advice
Support for people in debt
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
The CAB offers free information and advice on all aspects of financial matters, including pensions and state benefits. Find your local office and check that you are receiving all of your entitlements
Independent Case Examiner
Investigates complaints of maladministration against the Child Support Agency and the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency
National Association for Child Support Action (NACSA)
Promotes advice, support and information for people affected by the Child Support Acts
Parliamentary Ombudsman
Deals with complaints against Government agencies and departments. You may also wish to contact your local Member of Parliament to assist you in your case
Member of Parliament
To find your local Member of Parliament, who you can contact with concerns over current legislation relating to family law and children’s welfare, and put you in touch and support you with referrals to legal and professional ombudsmen
Resolution (formerly Solicitor’s Family Law Association)
Members of Resolution sign a code of conduct agreeing to encourage a non-confrontational approach to divorce rather than pursuing aggressive legal action, particularly where the welfare of children are concerned. Their website contains fact sheets on many aspects of divorce and an online search for local solicitors who are part of the scheme
Law Society
The professional body for solicitors in England and Wales, offers useful information on many aspects of the law in England and Wales
Solicitors Regulation Authority
Ensures that solicitors are acting fairly and reasonably and deals with complaints against solicitors
Community Legal Service
Information on CLS Fund (previously known as Legal Aid) with online eligibility calculator and search for solicitors participating in the scheme
LGBTQIA+ Switchboard
Provides information, support and a referral service throughout the UK for the LGBTQ community
National Family Mediation
Non-profit organisation working closely with Cafcass, Relate and the UK Legal Services Commission to provide family mediation
UK College of Family Mediators
Help in finding a mediator and information on how mediation works
Fathers 4 Justice
Campaigning for the rights of every child in the UK to have a relationship with their father and grandparents
Families Need Fathers (FNF)
Campaigning organisation recognising that children need two parents and calling for a change in the law to end the heartache of British fathers
Services and information for men experiencing difficulties with family law and domestic violence
Help for men who are depressed or suicidal
Local networks of mental health support scross the UK
Mental health advice service
The Samaritans
24/7 support line for anybody feeling suicidal or simply needing someone to talk to
Helpline for anyone coping with mental illness
Support Line
Confidential counselling and a listening ear for anyone needing someone to talk to
Asian Family Counselling Service
With offices in West London and the West Midlands, they also see couples where one partner is Asian.
Forced Marriage Protection Order
Information on how to apply to prevent somebody from taking you outside of the UK
Marriage Care
Formerly the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, the charity now offers free relationship counselling to couples experiencing difficulties in England and Wales
Muslim Welfare House Trust
Help and support for Muslims in the UK, including relationship counselling. Contact them through their website
Muslim Women’s Helpline
for Muslim women to seek help and advice when facing abuse or violence
For people suffering from depression in the Republic of Ireland
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland
Law Society of Northern Ireland
Includes information on the Legal Aid Process in Northern Ireland
Scottish Law
Independent site offering information on many aspects of Scottish Law, including a lawyer search facility
Women’s Aid, Northern Ireland
Advice and information for women experiencing domestic violence in Northern Ireland. 24 hour emergency helpline number 028 90331818
Women’s Aid, Northern Ireland
Advice and information for women experiencing domestic violence in Northern Ireland
Women’s Aid, Scotland
Advice and information for women experiencing domestic violence in Scotland
Women’s Aid, Wales
Advice and information for women experiencing domestic violence in Wales
Alcoholics Anonymous
Support for anybody with alcoholism and problem drinking including finding your local group
Helps young people whose lives are affected by someone who drinks
Substance misuse & drug addiction support for young people
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