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Involving Other Agencies

Divorce can be a complex and stressful process, especially when children are involved. Understanding your rights and when to involve external agencies like schools and social services is crucial.

School Involvement

Keeping your child’s school informed about significant changes in their home life is essential. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Initial Contact: Inform your child’s form teacher about the separation or divorce.
  • Open Communication: Discuss your child’s well-being, any observed changes in behavior, and your concerns with the teacher.
  • Seek Support: If needed, request a referral to the school counsellor for your child.
  • Update Information: Ensure the school has your correct contact details and any relevant court orders.
  • Non-Resident Parents: Maintain involvement in your child’s education by attending parent-teacher meetings, school events, and staying informed about their progress.

Remember: Schools are there to support your child’s education, not to mediate parental disputes. Avoid involving them in your conflicts.

teacher and school child reading from school book
social services

Social Services Involvement

Involving social services should be a last resort. If you have serious concerns about your child’s safety or well-being that cannot be addressed through other channels, consider contacting:

  • Cafcass: The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service can provide guidance and support.
  • Local Authority Children’s Services: If you believe your child is at immediate risk of harm, contact your local authority’s children’s social care department.

Important: Be prepared to provide evidence to support your concerns. Avoid making unsubstantiated allegations, as this can escalate the situation and potentially harm your relationship with your child.

Remember: The priority is always your child’s well-being. Seek support, communicate openly, and strive for a cooperative approach with your ex-partner whenever possible.